Saturday, July 21, 2018

I like to canoe! Well, Larry likes to also but for different reasons. For me, a canoe glides through the water effortlessly and quietly.  We can skim over rocks or trees in the river if there are just a few inches  of water.  Larry loves to fish and gently guides us down the river with no intention of making time.  I sink down into the front of the canoe (with my legs over the side) and sleep; it is so peaceful. It is like meditation, taking in the fresh air, nature, and listening to the many sounds you hear on the way and just relaxing in the moment.

I think of life like canoeing. There are times I should relax, times I should paddle, and times I should let someone else steer. We can choose to go upstream, but it is a lot of work and not a wise use of energy.  When I dip my paddle in the water, I can really move the canoe along and I try not to be in conflict with the person steering or it can end up an emotional mess.

If you haven't tried canoeing and like the outdoors, I highly recommend it.  Start on a small lake first and wear a life jacket!

Well, I feel like this Siloam Community Outreach Project in Uganda is like that. Traveling there in September is downriver of our relationship with Pastor Peter and I am trying to chill out knowing other people are steering and God already knows where we are headed.

Pastor Peter and I talk about having the "faith of a mustard seed" (Luke 17:6). We are taking one step at a time on this project based on available funds and we are now at a point of needing ~$2k to finish up the concrete pour.  The church has raised ~$2k to date...with your help!

Want to see more detail about our progress on this school?  Check out  There is a link on this blog and the church website as to getting in this canoe and helping build a school in Jinja, Uganda.

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