A great friend and spiritual mentor, Kay White, told me that if we all took time to truly listen and "hear" people's stories then we would get to know each other on an intimate and compassionate level. And lives would be changed.
This blog post is Pastor Peter's and Siloam's story. I hope I do it justice. Our trip to Uganda this year was an amazing, uplifting experience. Odd isn't it? We went to a country where poverty is high, death rates are high, and we were the ones lifted up and filled with immense love, faith, gratitude, and hope from the youth and people we met.
Eastern Uganda: Although this was not our focus, we agreed to visit the village where Peter grew up. Pastor Peter's father was shot and killed in front of Peter at the age of 6. His mother, brother and other family still live in this village. They launched a new church upon our arrival. We tried to bring hope and encouragement; I guess we did that by just being there. Their church service (singing, praising) was wonderful!
The children loved having their picture taken. And we would show them what they looked like on the camera. Fun!
The school/church building for Siloam in Jinja, Uganda: Pastor Peter was intent on finishing the concrete floor while we were there. He came close! They finished it the day after we traveled to western Uganda. We can all feel good that our funds supported local labor. We saw men working hard on finishing the basic building and enjoying the process! They put in long hours sometimes in bare feet and with little tools. Finish work is now underway and additional projects (veranda, plastering of brick, etc.) will provide longevity to the building.
The building inspector, the health department, and the engineer gave high praises to the building. The old building on rented land was no longer appropriate or approved by the government for a school.
The kids of Siloam Junior Academy: It's all about the kids! This is why Pastor Peter is so passionate. ~70% of the population in Uganda is under the age of 18. Education changes a life, a generation. The church sent a suitcase full of toys, games, school supplies, etc. The kids and staff loved it! Each student received a pencil and pen and they were thrilled. These items are expensive (more expensive then here) in Uganda. A simple thing like a pencil sharpener was a huge hit with all! (Way to go Laura Scheer for suggesting this!) We visited the classrooms and were impressed with what the staff were teaching...not that different here at each age level.
The staff of Siloam Junior Academy: Larry and I listened to the teachers our last day in Jinja. They shared their thanks and appreciation. An underlying, common theme in Uganda is that there is not enough money to pay teachers. Average pay for a teacher is $100/month (yup; $25/week). A highly educated, qualified teacher is $200/month (yup; $50/week). These salaries are hard to pay due to the poverty. The only way to lift the youth of this country is through education.
Serious needs remain: Larry and I were moved to want to help secondary students stay in school. Due to high levels of poverty, paying for school AND helping provide food for the family is too much when a student reaches the secondary level. If you can help, we have pictures of the secondary students who want to stay in school but can't due to this conflict. [Link] For $25/month, you can change a life (seriously). Click on that sentence/link for more information or email/message me. You will receive a letter each school term from the student about themselves, their progress, their appreciation.
God is good!
Larry and I are headed to Jinja, Uganda in September to help Pastor Peter and Siloam Community Church move the school and church from rented land to land that Siloam owns. We need your support for the new concrete and building to make this happen! Thank you on behalf of the voiceless in Uganda!
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Friday, September 7, 2018
Everything is coming together for our trip next week to Uganda! Pastor Peter is working hard on coordinating the construction and completion of the school building. Larry and I are organizing the final details for our trip and we are sailing smoothly to the finish line when we head out.
There are so many people to thank who have helped Siloam. Larry and I know who you are and we love every one of you for sharing generously, praying earnestly and encouraging us through your words and talents. Larry and I prayed at the beginning of this project for confirmation and direction, and we trusted God then and we trust Him now as we prepare to travel to Uganda.
Larry and I plan to enjoy our friends in Uganda and every other aspect of our trip. We will post to FB when possible and share a final blog post with lots of pictures upon our return.
(Here is the most recent picture of the school with roof trusses/timbers.)
Monday, August 27, 2018
Time to get our groove on!
Yup; there is a lot to celebrate and Larry and I want to dance and sing for joy with everyone here and in Uganda.
We all made it...together! Whoo hoo!! Praise God! Today, the church met the fundraising goal needed to build a school for Siloam in Uganda (raised $10,113)! We give thanks for this outpouring of love and support for people never met and now loved by many. We are grateful for our church family, family and friends. You rallied and made it happen!
I love this video! Pastor Peter sent it today from their 2018 Christian Revival Annual Conference at Siloam in Jinja, Uganda. It will be fun when we get there and celebrate with them! (Okay, Lake Union - Are you ready to get your groove on with Larry and me?)
Pastor Peter is working diligently to build the school as funds are available. With us reaching our goal, we will wire the remaining funds (~$2.5k) so he can keep the project moving to completion. The workers are now putting up the timbers for the roof. Soon the tin for the roof and the concrete floor. Amazing!
The church updates the progress on the project, fundraising and building, on their website: https://www.lakeunionchurch.org/project_scope_giving_and_progress_updates. Four months, $10,113, and a permanent school on owned land. What a blessing!
This is not the end of our church relationship with and support of Siloam! Funds continue to come in and there are a bazillion ways to help them. God already knows what they need and He will meet that need. You are the conduit!
We all made it...together! Whoo hoo!! Praise God! Today, the church met the fundraising goal needed to build a school for Siloam in Uganda (raised $10,113)! We give thanks for this outpouring of love and support for people never met and now loved by many. We are grateful for our church family, family and friends. You rallied and made it happen!
I love this video! Pastor Peter sent it today from their 2018 Christian Revival Annual Conference at Siloam in Jinja, Uganda. It will be fun when we get there and celebrate with them! (Okay, Lake Union - Are you ready to get your groove on with Larry and me?)
The church updates the progress on the project, fundraising and building, on their website: https://www.lakeunionchurch.org/project_scope_giving_and_progress_updates. Four months, $10,113, and a permanent school on owned land. What a blessing!
This is not the end of our church relationship with and support of Siloam! Funds continue to come in and there are a bazillion ways to help them. God already knows what they need and He will meet that need. You are the conduit!
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Do you have a special talent?
Do you have a compelling desire to do that (whatever "that" is) and only that? It's been a weird and cool week for me. My brother is an artist and has a show at the Clear Lake Art Center. I went to his talk on Tuesday evening and he spoke about the creative process and what compels us. He has had a wonderful life of creating beautiful things and either selling them or giving them away (whichever moves him). I am grateful for him and his heart.
Creative juices that result in beautiful art is pretty cool and I'm proud of my brother. I look around and see so many expressions of creativity and am amazed at the added value these bring to the world.
Well, so much for being philosophical. I am going to mention names because I just have to. People are sharing their talents to advance fundraising for the school in Uganda.
We need everyone's help to get to the goal! We are so close! Thanks to all of you who pray, donate, buy stuff and share your gifts/talents. All of this will build a school for those much less fortunate in Uganda.
Creative juices that result in beautiful art is pretty cool and I'm proud of my brother. I look around and see so many expressions of creativity and am amazed at the added value these bring to the world.
Well, so much for being philosophical. I am going to mention names because I just have to. People are sharing their talents to advance fundraising for the school in Uganda.
- Dan G. is making paracord handles for the Siloam water tumblers. Not just any paracord handle but reversible, color coordinated and a perfect fit for our promotional water tumbler. Art in a cool, utilitarian and attractive form and Dan is doing it to help raise funds for Siloam. Thank you Dan!
- Last week, Wally S. told me he is making cardinal whirligigs in his shop to benefit Siloam. (Okay, I am going to pretend these are Iowa State whirligigs and that is just a fact.) :) Anyway, another cool talent being used to benefit others. Thank you Wally!
- There are other stories and you know who you are!
We need everyone's help to get to the goal! We are so close! Thanks to all of you who pray, donate, buy stuff and share your gifts/talents. All of this will build a school for those much less fortunate in Uganda.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Spontaneous blessings...this last week has been crazy cool. And the coolest part is that I had nothing to do with it, other than enjoy it!
- Larry and I love our church family at Lake Union. Everyone is working hard for our Siloam friends in Uganda...and having fun at the same time! We played kickball on Sunday, sold some stuff (raising funds), and secured some gifts for the youth of Siloam. Yup...Larry and I kicked the ball and ran bases. We didn't do too bad (okay; for our age)!
- Lake Union Church hit the 50% fundraising mark this week (okay; $15 short of that)! We are fully invested toward this new building for Siloam Junior Academy. Step by step...Pastor Peter secures materials and labor as money is wired to him (as funds are given). The footings were poured and completed this week and the brick walls are going up! Pretty cool. We have faith that the funds will continue to come and we pray for hearts to be open to helping.
- Larry and I bought our travel insurance and submitted our visa applications. We leave in 5 weeks! We can't wait to see Pastor Peter, his family and attend the Siloam church and meet our church family in Uganda!
- Pastor Peter tells us that the families are asking if we can support them financially by buying arts and crafts that they have made. Larry and I will bring back as many as we can and sell them when we return (100% of the funds will go to the family). If you are interested, let me know and we will add you to the email list for more info.
I update the church web page, "Project Scope, Giving and Project Updates," (this is a link) regularly so you can find more detailed information there.
Sunday, July 29, 2018
As the church's website administrator, I route prayer requests through to our prayer warriors. These six people are committed to praying for those in need. And I've noticed a lot of need lately. People are dealing with really tough life issues on a daily basis, and it is easy when we have smooth sailing in our life to get complacent about those in need. When I make the effort...a meal, a prayer, a smile, a card, a kind word...I am reminded that I have been there and was lifted up through others making the effort to do these things for me.
Six weeks and two days until we leave for Uganda! A lot of exciting things are happening!
- The women of Lake Union Church organize an annual pie and ice cream social. This year it is August 12 and the free will offering will be donated toward the Uganda mission project. Now that is cool!
- Water tumblers just came in and members will make paracord handles (purple and orange, of course). The water tumblers and paracord handles will bring in more funds to help the Uganda project. They look great!
- There is a kickball event on August 5 at 4 pm at the Annandale City Park. People are invited to "sponsor" a soccer ball for us to take to Uganda. The church is filling a large suitcase of gifts for Siloam Community Outreach!
- And funds continue to come in for the building of the school. We are at ~35% and, through faith, continue to send funds a bit at a time to Pastor Peter for the continued progress on the foundation and building. My heart is touched by each and every contribution.
Many thanks to all involved in this project! And our friends in Uganda also give thanks for everyone's love and support! Larry and I are excited to see our Uganda friends soon!
Saturday, July 21, 2018
I like to canoe! Well, Larry likes to also but for different reasons. For me, a canoe glides through the water effortlessly and quietly. We can skim over rocks or trees in the river if there are just a few inches of water. Larry loves to fish and gently guides us down the river with no intention of making time. I sink down into the front of the canoe (with my legs over the side) and sleep; it is so peaceful. It is like meditation, taking in the fresh air, nature, and listening to the many sounds you hear on the way and just relaxing in the moment.
I think of life like canoeing. There are times I should relax, times I should paddle, and times I should let someone else steer. We can choose to go upstream, but it is a lot of work and not a wise use of energy. When I dip my paddle in the water, I can really move the canoe along and I try not to be in conflict with the person steering or it can end up an emotional mess.
If you haven't tried canoeing and like the outdoors, I highly recommend it. Start on a small lake first and wear a life jacket!
Well, I feel like this Siloam Community Outreach Project in Uganda is like that. Traveling there in September is downriver of our relationship with Pastor Peter and I am trying to chill out knowing other people are steering and God already knows where we are headed.
Pastor Peter and I talk about having the "faith of a mustard seed" (Luke 17:6). We are taking one step at a time on this project based on available funds and we are now at a point of needing ~$2k to finish up the concrete pour. The church has raised ~$2k to date...with your help!
Want to see more detail about our progress on this school? Check out http://www.lakeunionchurch.org/by_the_numbers_and_progress_updates. There is a link on this blog and the church website as to getting in this canoe and helping build a school in Jinja, Uganda.
I think of life like canoeing. There are times I should relax, times I should paddle, and times I should let someone else steer. We can choose to go upstream, but it is a lot of work and not a wise use of energy. When I dip my paddle in the water, I can really move the canoe along and I try not to be in conflict with the person steering or it can end up an emotional mess.
If you haven't tried canoeing and like the outdoors, I highly recommend it. Start on a small lake first and wear a life jacket!
Well, I feel like this Siloam Community Outreach Project in Uganda is like that. Traveling there in September is downriver of our relationship with Pastor Peter and I am trying to chill out knowing other people are steering and God already knows where we are headed.
Pastor Peter and I talk about having the "faith of a mustard seed" (Luke 17:6). We are taking one step at a time on this project based on available funds and we are now at a point of needing ~$2k to finish up the concrete pour. The church has raised ~$2k to date...with your help!
Want to see more detail about our progress on this school? Check out http://www.lakeunionchurch.org/by_the_numbers_and_progress_updates. There is a link on this blog and the church website as to getting in this canoe and helping build a school in Jinja, Uganda.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Sometimes it can be hard to find encouraging words, particularly the right words at the right time. And sometimes we are looking so hard for our own encouragement that we forget to encourage others who need it. I try to remember to pause throughout my day and be in the moment with others so I don't overlook such a need. The blessing is usually mine.
In Uganda, life is tough work. Each day includes getting water, starting a fire, gathering food, boiling water and cooking the food (rice, beans) over the hot fire, washing clothes and hanging them up, cleaning up dishes and cooking pots. The next day you start over again. So, in the midst of minimal things in Uganda, love, faith and encouragement are treasured.
Project Update - Step by step, we walk in faith and share our love and encouragement through our support of a permanent school for the children of Siloam!
Pastor Peter is asking for prayers (hope, strength, love, encouragement) for his friends (pics below). The young man (orange shirt) is an orphan and needs added prayers for support. Whatever you pray will be heard, from the heart, by God. Pastor Peter and I thank you!
In Uganda, life is tough work. Each day includes getting water, starting a fire, gathering food, boiling water and cooking the food (rice, beans) over the hot fire, washing clothes and hanging them up, cleaning up dishes and cooking pots. The next day you start over again. So, in the midst of minimal things in Uganda, love, faith and encouragement are treasured.
Project Update - Step by step, we walk in faith and share our love and encouragement through our support of a permanent school for the children of Siloam!
- Progress on the building project - http://www.lakeunionchurch.org/by_the_numbers_and_progress_updates.
- Fundraising - We are at ~20% ($8k still needed). As we receive funds, we take one more faithful step forward on the building project.
- Help us be ready for the next step of this project and donate today! http://www.lakeunionchurch.org/siloam_project
Pastor Peter is asking for prayers (hope, strength, love, encouragement) for his friends (pics below). The young man (orange shirt) is an orphan and needs added prayers for support. Whatever you pray will be heard, from the heart, by God. Pastor Peter and I thank you!
Sunday, July 1, 2018
I've been praying about our trip and this project all week and telling myself it is in God's hands and that's where it needs to be. If you know me very well, that is a challenge in itself since I like to make stuff happen!
And there are some wonderful things happening which are encouraging.
And there are some wonderful things happening which are encouraging.
- The nonprofit, Color My World, reached out to me after I tagged Pastor Peter on my last FB post. They are friends with Peter on Facebook and wanted confirmation that if they helped that their support would end up where intended and would have impact. As a result, they are securing a couple of used laptops and Kindles to send with us in the fall. This is a big deal to our friends in Uganda. Tech gadgets are expensive and hard to come by when all of your money is used for food and shelter! Yet they are so important!
- T-shirts and string bags are selling and water bottles are ordered and soon available for sale. The proceeds definitely help move the fundraising bar on this project.
- The children attending Siloam are hoping to sell arts and crafts to provide income for their families. Lake Union Church supports this and Pastor Peter is gathering photos of the items along with price and we will list them in the "Online Support - Siloam" store (http://lakeunionchurch.org/siloam_project) soon. Part of the cost of each item will go directly to the child's family with the remainder toward the school building project. Check the link occasionally and watch for these: paintings, coin purses, baskets, and more. Larry and I will bring purchased items back with us from Uganda.
More to do!
- So far, the church has received approximately 15% of the needed funds ($10,000). What a blessing!
- We still have quite a way to go to get to the $10,000. I *intensely dislike* asking for support since I know how this goes. Everyone get tons of calls and requests to support various needs and you just can't help everyone. I keep telling Larry that when we get to Uganda he will be very surprised as to how little "stuff" they have and how much love they have for others (and God). However, Siloam needs this school. An education is the key to getting the younger generation out of poverty. We can't even imagine...
Looking forward to coming back to Uganda, reconnecting with Pastor Peter, and spending time at Siloam Community Outreach! (I snagged a couple of pictures from our last trip to Jinja, Uganda.)
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Getting down to the Nitty Gritty
I am a numbers person. I love numbers, trust the hard facts, and like that everything that reconciles on a nice, neat spreadsheet. You can imagine this can drive people nuts (like Larry or even me).
I appreciate that...
Pastor Peter spent a lot of time gathering numbers, verifying information, and securing tangible costs for this project. He developed a budget with detailed cost information that assures all interested that when we reach the fundraising goal of $10,000 there will be a wonderful building for the school, Siloam Junior Academy. That budget can be found on the Lake Union Church website, http://lakeunionchurch.org/by_the_numbers. Siloam Junior Academy is the school operated by the Siloam Community Outreach Church. Peter Mabonga is the pastor of this church.
(Pastor Peter on the new land.)
How you can help! Today at the Lake Union Church service, Brent shared with people they can support this project by
Where are we at on the project!? We are posting progress on the building project on the same web page, http://lakeunionchurch.org/by_the_numbers. With a portion of the contributions to date, the church this week will give Pastor Peter the endorsement to work with the architect and processing fees, securing licenses, etc. needed by the government to proceed with the building. This can take a while so we are excited Pastor Peter can begin.
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
I appreciate that...
Pastor Peter spent a lot of time gathering numbers, verifying information, and securing tangible costs for this project. He developed a budget with detailed cost information that assures all interested that when we reach the fundraising goal of $10,000 there will be a wonderful building for the school, Siloam Junior Academy. That budget can be found on the Lake Union Church website, http://lakeunionchurch.org/by_the_numbers. Siloam Junior Academy is the school operated by the Siloam Community Outreach Church. Peter Mabonga is the pastor of this church.
(Pastor Peter on the new land.)
How you can help! Today at the Lake Union Church service, Brent shared with people they can support this project by
- purchasing t-shirts, string bags and water bottles (http://lakeunionchurch.org/siloam_project)
- giving financially (ANY amount impacts the project positively); this blog has the PayPal link or go to (http://lakeunionchurch.org/siloam_project)
- donate needed items (good used laptop, basic printer, smartphone, iPad or notebook, camera) (contact me if you can help with any of these)
- pray for the 140 kids/souls each day who need this school (you have a direct link to the Big guy; no web link needed)
Where are we at on the project!? We are posting progress on the building project on the same web page, http://lakeunionchurch.org/by_the_numbers. With a portion of the contributions to date, the church this week will give Pastor Peter the endorsement to work with the architect and processing fees, securing licenses, etc. needed by the government to proceed with the building. This can take a while so we are excited Pastor Peter can begin.
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday, June 18, 2018
Who is Pastor Peter Mabonga?
Pastor Peter, founder of Siloam Community Outreach, shares his story and passion for children. He does not share all his hardships here. "But Jesus said to him, 'No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.'” (Luke 9:62)
Here is his story, in his words.
"Briefly, let me share that I grew up with a single mother; despite the hard life I went through I feel bad seeing orphans and vulnerable children passing through a similar life. After completing my course as a social worker in my life, I love helping others in need so one day God told me to leave the job and go and serve Him. On November 18, 2012, I started Siloam Community Church-Jinja after observing and assessing the community I found that many children in church were not attending school due to the hard life and being parentless. This made me ask God how I could help these kids and we finally opened up Siloam Junior Academy and registered the school with the government as a faith based organization on January 26, 2014. It was at that time I shared with mama Lynette about the ministry and she started praying with us and supporting us. Since that time, Lake Union Church also began supporting Siloam for which we are grateful.
My passion is to see these children uplifted spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, economically and physically. I want them to be encouraged and supported to be fruitful citizens to the kingdom of God and their communities. Thus, we nurture them through the church.
Our ten-year dream/plan is to see these children graduating in various professions and/or serving on missionary teams. We plan to establish secondary schools, vocational training schools, and a health center to support vulnerable people and orphans around the community. Together with your support for a permanent school on land we own, Siloam will not have to pay rent for the land or permits from the government of Uganda due to temporary facilities. This reduction in cost ($500/year for rented land) directly helps the children in many ways.
Thank you very much and God bless you all as you support us. We love you; much blessings. Peter"
Here is his story, in his words.
"Briefly, let me share that I grew up with a single mother; despite the hard life I went through I feel bad seeing orphans and vulnerable children passing through a similar life. After completing my course as a social worker in my life, I love helping others in need so one day God told me to leave the job and go and serve Him. On November 18, 2012, I started Siloam Community Church-Jinja after observing and assessing the community I found that many children in church were not attending school due to the hard life and being parentless. This made me ask God how I could help these kids and we finally opened up Siloam Junior Academy and registered the school with the government as a faith based organization on January 26, 2014. It was at that time I shared with mama Lynette about the ministry and she started praying with us and supporting us. Since that time, Lake Union Church also began supporting Siloam for which we are grateful.
Our ten-year dream/plan is to see these children graduating in various professions and/or serving on missionary teams. We plan to establish secondary schools, vocational training schools, and a health center to support vulnerable people and orphans around the community. Together with your support for a permanent school on land we own, Siloam will not have to pay rent for the land or permits from the government of Uganda due to temporary facilities. This reduction in cost ($500/year for rented land) directly helps the children in many ways.
Thank you very much and God bless you all as you support us. We love you; much blessings. Peter"
Friday, June 1, 2018
Why Siloam?
Our daughter, Tara, and I visited Father's Divine Love Ministries (Jinja, Uganda) in September 2012 and Peter worked there at the time. (http://lynetteandtaragotoafrica.blogspot.com) He was our translator as we went out to the villages, and Pastor Peter and I connected spiritually. I have wonderful stories as to my time with Pastor Peter. Since that time, he started a new church/school (Siloam Community Church).Due to my connection with Peter while in Uganda in 2012, I continue to communicate with and support Pastor Peter and Siloam. Since that time, our wonderful church (Lake Union) also supports Siloam. Our collective support meets their basic education and food needs each month. The level of support does not meet building or administrative needs although we did help purchase the land and build the new pit latrine.
The government of Uganda recognizes education as a basic human right and continues to strive to provide free primary education to all children in the country. However, issues with funding, teacher training, rural populations, and inadequate facilities continue to hinder the progress of educational development in Uganda. The only hope for the poor and marginalized in Uganda is an education. Pastor Peter is passionate about helping children obtain an education. He started Siloam and now has over 140 children in the school.
Why does Siloam need help?
The government of Uganda has strict regulations and requirements for a school to operate and Pastor Peter is between a rock and a hard place. He either needs to improve the rented land to meet the government's requirements in order to continue to educate the students attending Siloam or he needs to develop on the new land. Improving the rented land is problematic. It is very temporary and tempting for the landowner to evict them so they can take advantage of Siloam's upgrades.Why Larry and me?
Why not? For an organization in Uganda to build a network of support, they need help. You don't know Pastor Peter or Siloam, and he does not have the means to establish a marketing and communications team to get you in the know and on board to help. So we (Lake Union Church, Larry and I) are helping him get the word out...and about this specific need.
What is Siloam's urgent need?
Toward Siloam being entirely on their new land, a new and permanent pit latrine that meets government regulations was recently built with our help. The next step to getting to the new land, with approval of the government, is to purchase and pour concrete, transfer the existing structure to the new land, buy new materials needed, and complete a new structure on the new land to accommodate the school children and church. Cost? $10,000.
We can't do it without you!
All of this depends on you. Without the funds, our trip will be unproductive and Siloam will struggle to meet the government's requirements. They will be forced to close and the children may wander on the streets.
What does the project look like?
Project scope -- Concrete slab (pour and finish)
- Move existing building materials (from rented land)
- Construct addition to building
- $10,000 (USD) total
Progress to date
- purchased land (Siloam has papers) in December 2017
- completed new, permanent pit latrine on new land in April 2018
Design of new school -
Completion of new pit latrine (meets government regulations) on new land -
More about Siloam - In Pastor Peter's words...
Check out this link to a video Peter posted where he speaks more about the project. https://www.facebook.com/peter.mabonga/videos/1975233545880353/
Below is Pastor Peter's 2017 newsletter (sent out in December) telling more about Siloam and their many projects to help others.
Jinja (East Africa) Tel: +256750660127/+256778817783
Siloam African Communityoutrearches-Uganda is an independent non-profit ,indigenous Christian based faith Registered with the government of Uganda as Charity Organization Registration Number 291 Under Siloam Community Church-Jinja with passion for restoring hope to the abandoned rural and urban African communities through supporting orphans and vulnerable children in HIV/AIDS –ravaged communities, economic empowerment to improve house hold income especially widows living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda and other community in Africa ,evangelism , discipleship and education support to orphans and vulnerable children around Africa whereby currently with a support of mama Lynette Shererand Larry,Pastor Andrews Mark Lake Union Evangelical Covenant Church - Mission Committee USA…Siloam Junior Academy- Jinja Uganda Currently giving education support to over 145 Children and staff 12
Dear our partners and friends this is the new site annual rent for both Siloam community church and children’s school which costs $ 500 and we are so grateful for your generous support and prayers..towards the above children’s education and church, Every Monday children assemble as photo shown above….
Siloam children, staff members and internees students from makerere university Kampala cleaning a borehole area. Teaching them sanitation hence this source of water clean….
Siloam children, staff members and internees students from makerere university Kampala cleaning a borehole area. Teaching them sanitation hence this source of water clean….
Here our children are very happy with an offer of clothes donated by a team of students from makerere university kampala carryingout internship arround the local community….
Nursery children enjoying porridge during break time at siloam junior academy..your contribution has enabled the above children to access education,feeding. Therefore staff members and guardians appreciate all your generous support and prayers…
Our children are so lucky that the school is near the football pitch and every afternoon they do participate in supports and other games hence this help them to grow physically strong and some develop their telants in anthletics and football..we have used this as one of the stratage of preaching a gospel to other children around the community sharing with the love of christ…
Here siloam children very excited in their new plot of land which is in plan of God to establish temporary building and church projects….we really appreciate mama lynette and daddy larry and our friends Lake Union Evangelical Covenant Church all supporting and Donating towards the above land which costed $2000 and uganda shillings 7,000,000…for the immediate emergency…but we believe God will keep expanding it with time and may the lord bless you whoever sowed in these work….thank you for honouring God with your finances (proverbs 3:9-10) may he increase your finances and bless your family…we love you..
We thank God for enabling us to preach and teach his word to a number of people who been responding from different local communities and we also appreciate your generous support and prayers hence resulted into success…we have observed that this conferences has enables us reach a number of local communities and building strong church network with the surrounding local churches and local leaders within jinja and other districts around Uganda…because in this current conference we had over one hundred (100 People) representatives from other churches including leaders and pastors…
This is Mariam a single mother with six children staying in that small grass hatched house….siloam ministry is enrolled her children to access education at siloam junior academy
Pastor peter visited Mariam after her small house being burnt by her young son during Sunday service. So her was burnt one side and she is living in a very poor housing condition whereby she need support and thank God Siloam ministry is currently supporting her children with education….
We once again take this opportunity to appreciate your generous and lovely support towards God’s work and restoring hope in the lives of children here at Siloam ministry in Uganda…May the lord keep up lefting you ,Using you more to fulfill his holy word. As it say Defend the poor and orphans,protect the rights of the poor…verse 4’ Help those who are poor and helpless.save them from those who are evil..(psalms 82:3-4)..We really say thank you and may the lord bless you and below this newsletter attached is the next year 2018 Budget…and we would like to request keep on praying for siloam ministries..
Prayer Requests.
Building new classrooms (10) from Nursery-Primary seven
Building new pitlatrines (6 doors) for boys,girls,staff in the new land.
Building a church and its store..
Building kitchen, staffroom and office.
School Desks(30 desks)
Children’s school requirements.
Building new classrooms (10) from Nursery-Primary seven
Building new pitlatrines (6 doors) for boys,girls,staff in the new land.
Building a church and its store..
Building kitchen, staffroom and office.
School Desks(30 desks)
Children’s school requirements.
May the lord guide you as you left up all the above list of Siloam needs and next year the government wants all those to be in place so that we can continue with children ministry and school…
By Pr. Peter Mabonga
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